Souls Symphony
Find the Service that Fits your Needs

Readings and Spiritual Advice
Mediumship and Life Path Readings
Stacey connects with spirit to deliver messages relating to past, present, and future information. Through channeling, she can connect to those who have left the physical world and provide insight that allows spirit to validate and identify themselves. Readings can offer clarity in making decisions and understanding your experiences.
Transitional Support
In Stacey's work with spirit she has learned first hand the peace and clarity that communication with loved ones provides before, during, and after their transition from the physical world. Care taking and Hospice work are very close to her heart and she has experience in both fields. Stacey offers support and holds space for healing, comfort, and peace to those who are in transition and to their loved ones.
Mentorship involves education, meditation, and energy work with a purpose to better understand one's self at a soul level. Stacey will provide support through spiritual awakening and will help you tap into your abilities. Mentorship can be helpful to those looking for a new path. If you are interested in mentorship, please book a reading and discuss with Stacey if this service is appropriate for you.

Group Symphonic Journey
Stacey created symphonic journey to aid in different intentions depending on where spirit guides. These could include but are not limited to: facing fears, self awareness, relationship navigation, inspirational, past life work, and shadow work. Stacey hand selects pieces of music though intuition. These pieces of music are used in combination with meditation techniques to take you on an inward journey.